Cessna Citation CJ1


Manufacturer: Cessna
Model: Citation CJ1
Category: Light
PassengerCapacity: 5
Max Range: 1500
Max Airspeed: 450 to 500
Cabin Width: 4' 10"
Cabin Length: 11'
Cabin Height: 4' 10"
Baggage Capacity: 55 cft
Lavatory: Belted Lav
Price $ (USD): 1,300,000
Price Note: Average Market Price.

The Cessna Citation CJ1+ (Model 525) builds upon the legacy of the CJ1 in offering impressive capabilities and passenger space, all in a package designed to be as simple to fly as possible for a single pilot. Introduced in 2005, the third-generation CJ1+ is powered by new full authority digital engine control (FADEC) Williams FJ-44-1AP engines offering improved performance with lower operating costs, the ability to depart sea-level runways in just 3,250′, all while carrying four persons onboard up to 1,300 nm at high-speed cruise in a cabin that is 4.8-ft wide and provides nearly five feet of headroom.

Rating: 4
Reviews: 51